Worked with UK forces this week. What a pleasure! The enlisted and officers are great, and I really enjoyed being with them. Since I grew up in the UK, it almost seemed like coming full circle...Actually met someone that lives close to where I went to school in London. I had no trouble with some of the heavily accented words they spoke, and actually, as I spent more time with them I found my accent starting to revert back to the London -potato in mouth- sort of tone I had growing up. (I also fall into it when I get angry or hang out with my sole British friend in the states.)
It made me wonder though...would I have achieved the same position in the British Army as in the US Military? Somehow I doubt it...The Bristish officer corps seems much more homogenous. I am not saying that is bad or good....
I did enjoy talking with the "lads" in our vehicle, and it was great to get back to noshing on Branston pickle, Marmite on toast, and pickled onions...
I guess my international upbringing helps me to be more circumspect. I don't always consider it an advantage, as ignorance is bliss.